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I have a 11 month and a 5 month german shepard

19 17:50:02

I have a 11 month old male german shepard (phoenix), im telling you he's a vey very intelligent, smart, and patient shepard, doesn't whine, snap, bite or anything with people just barks when there at the door. Plus i have a 5 month ol male german shepard (x-saviour or Zee), his a trip whines alittle, plays, very quick learner, loves the attention and can hardly be with out his buddy phoenix. Everybody always gives me and my wife compliments about these two guys there handsome studs and are young goofy mannered shepards right now. (you know what i am talking about)
Now my question is Phoenix the 11 month old has graduated Basic obedience class almost a month ago did extremly well, the trainer is very good and knows what he is talking about, we didn't train the dogs with just food and a leash you know - the training was for the dog to learn to obey commands. but the problem i am having is he is starting to build his ego and get aggresive with other dogs and yes phoenix is nuetered.  Now i been reading all types of books on german shepards. From what they were breed for, how they think, there excercises, what they like to do, there intelligence, how to show im the alpha male, i mean everything becuase i love german shepards thats why i got two and i grew up with different types of dogs so im not new to this dog owner thing. But his aggression is worrying me because i have socialized him by taking him to dog parks, taking him to peoples houses, training class but its just that male german shepard ego coming out of him how can i teach him not act that way around other dogs and let him know they are no threat to me or my wife and to the younger puppy, because phoenix will get real nasty with another dog if a dog messes with the younger one, i mean even if a dog looks at him from across the street phoenix is ready to go at it.
Plus is there a book i can buy that can help me learn how too raise two or more german shepards at the same time or something because i feel that well help me alot. thank you for your time.  

Hi Chris,
Go to, the Monks of New Skete book on how to raise a New Puppy and Other books and videos are available.  Being you have two adult males, one is going to become the Dominant one regardless, just natural.
Yes, u must be in charge and the Leader, but reading some tips from the Monks might guide u through this.
What I would do is get a spray bottle and add a tad bit of vinegar in it and spray its face when u got out and he starts his antics.
I run a pack of dogs and I am in full control, but not two males together, but then mine are breeders also.
Try the Monks book it is on my site on Favorite Links page.

Let me know how things go for u must get an upper hand on the situation now before it gets totally outta control.

Kind Regards