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back legs

19 17:50:02

i took my 9yr old dog {storm} to the vets afew weeks ago about his weak back legs and he perscribed some metacam for him but said that we are going to lose storm in a few months with this problem of this back legs.the vet said it was the nerves going to his brain not working properly he called it c.d.i or something like that.  what i would like to know is more on this disease if you know about it?.He has started to drag his back paws abit now and i would like to know what else to expect but the vet did say that storm was'nt in any pain with it but to put socks on his back paws if they got has been abit of a shock to our family really as storm is ,i thought quite young well he thinks he is the way he likes to play, thanks jane.

Hi, It sounds like he is having some major nerve problems.  Unfortuntely, with a GSD, once the back end goes down, it is pretty much downhill from there.  Yes, he is a little young.  I would find out what exactly the disease is called as there are several diseases that affect the back end of dogs.  That way you could do some research on it online.  Wish I could be of more help.
