Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > pregnant


19 17:43:58

hi Dawn,
Our female gave birth thursday, but she only had 1 pup, is this normal for a german shepard? Would you please tell me how soon she might go back into season, as we dont want to let her get pregnant again for least a year.

Followup To

Question -
we have a 1 yr old german shep female, think shes pregnant. could you tell me do they get more protective when pregnant, as she has a go at the other 2 dogs we have when they get near us.

Answer -
Hi Wanda,  yes they can get more protective when they get pregnant, but also when they get to be about a year of age they will show more aggression towards other dogs too.  Most GSD females eventually do not get along with other dogs when they mature.  Hope this helps,


Hi Wanda,  Sometimes on the first litter they may not have many pups.  Count 6 months from when she first came in heat, not when she gave birth, but when she actually came in heat.  She will probably come in heat again 6 months from then.  You will need to really be careful when she comes in heat again, because female GSDs are really bad about going after males when they come in heat.
