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My German Shepherd Ears

19 17:27:03


My Dog
Hi, my German Shepherd is 8 months old and has one good standing ear and one half up. Is there a reason for this, will he ever have both standing normally?
The other question was in regards to him peeing, he still pees like a girl, is there any reason for this or can i expect him to change eventually? Thanks very much


Your dogs weak ear will probably not get much better unfortunately.  Some lines have weak ears.  It can sometimes be helped but before the puppy is 5 months old.  Just think of it as giving your dog character and love him anyway!   

Your puppy is still young to be lifting his leg.  He may still pee "like a girl" for some time.  Eventually he will start doing it like an older male.   Remember that GSD's mature slowly so don't compare him to your friends dogs of other breeds.

Hope this helps!
