Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > senior dog nine years old

senior dog nine years old

19 17:44:25

Thank you for your time. Max is a great family dog that stays in house most of the time.  Max started to have problems around the end of June.
I noticed him limping and favoring his left leg.
I thought he might of strained it while playing with my other shepherd he is seven.  Weeks went by and he did not get any better so I took him to the vet and the vet sedated him took x-rays and told he he has spinal stenosis and arthritis. The medication he prescribed is Previcox and an lubricant shot which I cannot remember the name.  I have not seen much improvment with the meds, he continues to cry during the day from time to time and it is very sad to see him uncomfortable.  I just want you to know Max has never had any medical condition this is the first time I have had any medical problems.  He has been a great friend to the family.  What is the normal age for these dogs also. If you can give me any information on care I would appreciate it.  Max also weights eighty pounds.  Thank you Tracy

Hi, normally GSD's legs due tend to break down around 10 yrs of age.  GSD's life span is normally approx. 13 years of age, but that can vary depending a lot on genetics and any genetic faults that crop up like hip dysplasia etc.  Keeping their weight down is a big help for any back & leg issues.  Hope this helps, and good luck.  
