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one testicle

19 17:34:31

When I picked my 9wk/o puppy I took to the vet and she said that one of his testicles had't dropped my breeder never informed me. I read on your site that u can massage the other into the scrotom but where would i find it on his body? Mufasa is now 12 wks/o.

Well it's not on his body it's in his body. If he has one,. it'll be up inside the cavity next to the one that has dropped. You may, or may not can get it to drop by massaging it. Sometimes small breed puppies take longer to drop and this can be a genetic thing as well. If it hasn't dropped by the time he's four or five months you will need to have him neutered and have it removed. A non descended testicle can become cancerous and most often does. Plus it is a genetic trait and not something you would want to pass on anyway.
If you plan on having him neutered then I wouldn't worry at all about the massaging thing. It will either come down or it won't.
Good luck