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I am a 41 year old man and...

19 17:50:49

I am a 41 year old man and I have a 9 year old white male German sheperd. I have had him sine he was a pup. The trouble began roughly 6 to 8 months ago. Boomer (his name)has become quite agressive, mainly towards me but also my 20 year old daughter once or twice. He has bit at her twice breaking the skin once. In just the past two weeks he has hit me three times, once about a week ago on the wrist and twice just tonight (1/22/05).This last time the worst requiring medical attention. In each situation it has been totaly unprevoked. Tonight i was sitting at my computer where i also have an aquarium, I was just looking at the fish when Boomer came up to me and nudged my left hand a few times as he does when he wants attention and to be petted, so I just sarted rubbing and scratching his head when he hit my left bicep area very hard and continued to bark and growl with his teeth showing and lips rolled back. He was right in my face and not giving me any space to get up, so I turned my chair so that i was turned away from him to walk into the other room when he hit me again in the rear end. Other times have included times when i would just walk through the room and have to step around or over him to get through.
I love Boomer dearly, he is a wonderful companion and excellent watch dog, very loyal and pertective. I do not want anything bad to happen to him, however I cannot let this continue like this with an animal I cannot trust. Let alone what he might do to a small child. Right this moment as I write to you my daughter is laying on the couch and called him over to her, when she put out her hand to pet him he began to growl very angrily at her.
I am desperate for your help and advice and hope to hear from you very soon.

             Thank You for your help
                   Jeff Robertson  

Hello Jeff,
GEESSSS this is bad bad bad.!!
Has the dog encountered any head injuries or tramatic experiences with an injury at all?  Anything that scared him badly?
If not, this dog has become totally out of control and I would truly be frightened to live with him, he could tear your face off some night while sleeping?   Has he had a Rabi shot, I sure hope so.
The only alternative other than putting him down, is have him vetted thoroughly telling the vet this story.  Then, to try a shock collar not the barking one but a training one at
They run about $140.00 and they work on dogs with no head or mental problems.  It does stop them in their tracks if say they are going out of the yard, etc.
I got one many years ago before I started breeding the West German Lines.
I just had a couple nice Shepherds that was insistant on going out the gate to visit the boy next door, I stopped that in a day.
So, I really do not like to tell people with biting dogs that they need put down till you try and stop this.  I do not understand why he is biting you at this age for no reason unless he is just mentally ill now?  Dogs do get head problems can put them into seizures, etc.
I certainly would feel very uncomfortable with a biting dog in my home, not knowing when the real attack is going to take place.  I would fear sleeping around this dog he might get u in the throat.?  I am really shocked to even find a conclusion to this with a dog u have raised now turning on you like Cujo with Rabies.?
I can only insist a vet check and the shock collar if he is healthy and just decided to be mean and bad.  It must stop if nothing is mentally wrong with him.  Get the shock collar or try a spray bottle of water with a tad bit of vinegar in it spray his face or get a can of mace and use on him also.

Kind regards and best of Luck