Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > what should I expect

what should I expect

19 17:44:58

Hi Dawn,
I have a 20 week old shepherd.  The dog has been very good, chews a little, but overall, listens pretty well.  My dog of 8 years (black lab) took off a couple of months ago.  That dog was very good with my kids, (4yrs-7yrs old), very protective and obedient.  My vet told me not to be aggressive with my new dog.  She says the dog will end up being too aggressive later on, just cause she's a shepherd.  I trained my black lab and would like to train this dog the same way.  Is the difference with the breeds of dog or how they are raised?  thank you


Hi Jason,  What your vet told you is not true.  It is an old wives tale that if you play tug of war games and such with dogs they become aggressive, but that has never been proven.  Puppies of all breeds do it and they don't turn out to be killers.  GSDs if they have a good temperment can play rough just like any other breed.  It is just plain ole common sense.  Teasing a dog can make them aggressive, which is a lot different than playing aggressively with them.  Hope this helps,
