Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > what do i do

what do i do

19 17:27:34

QUESTION: i have a lovely rescured german shephard called roxy she is lovely towards me could not ask for a better dog the onily big proplem i have with her she will attack anything that comes near me or even close she will scream bark show her teeth jump up me in which i have deep marks all over me through this she is all so even worse with other dogs she will scream like she is hurt on top of her voice bark pull on the lead and also jump all over me like a mad dog i can not controle her and tell her to get down as she dont lissen atull it is all most like she is scared to death she will shake cry and be out of breath after i calm her down she is fine unless she sees a person or kids or anough dog all i know about her past she was locked outside in the cold and she was very thin when i got her she is now eating fine lovely healthy girl everybody who lives near me are trying to get to know her but having not much luck with it i love roxy to bits more then anything so does my parnter but she has started trying to attack my partney when he turns up from behind her or in the street which is worrying she does wear a baskit muzzle and a rope lead mybe i am not using the strongest of leads but when she pulls me it really hurts as im onily 5ft 3 i really need your help as im her last hope thank you


Sounds like you have a dog with behavioral problems (you probably knew this) that involve not being properly socialized as a puppy.  I think that fear is the motivating factor with the aggression being a defensive behavior.   If she was just aggressive, she wouldn't jump all over you when she behaves badly.   The fact that you have to walk her with a muzzle is not good.   If you truly want to turn this girl into a companion, you are going to have a lot of work cut out for you.   I would seek help from a qualified professional that can work with you step by step to modify her behavior and also keep track of the progress.   You are going to need a lot of patience.  A word of caution - and advice - you did not create this problem, you have rescued her from a bad situation.  However, if you feel you cannot cope with the training, please don't pass her problems on to another person.  

Good luck with Roxy,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you for the advice i have rung aa few traners in my area and no one wants to help because she is nasty.with the fear aggreasion what should i do when she is jumping on me all worked up should i fuss her to calm her down or is that like saying good girl for going for someone when she going off like a crazy dog i do be hard with her i get her to sit and keep saying leave when she is calm i do fuss her saying good girl i dont know if that is the right thing to do when i will never ever give my dog away i love her more then anything she might be a pain when im out but in the houise she is lovely thank you some much for the help

Hi Kelly,

Apparently the "trainers" in your area only like to take money from people that don't have real problems with their dogs!   I would still try to find a trainer...  widen your search.

You are right in thinking that fussing over her when she is bad is not the correct thing to do.   You can only praise her when she is doing the right behavior.   Be calm and speak to her calmly, when she is fighting you.   Teach her to "down" and stay down and put her in that position before she sees something to freak at.  You can always step on the leash close to her collar if you need more control.   I know you love her, but remember if she does bite someone, you are liable, so be very careful and try to take her out when there is less opportunity for her to be bad.  Late at nite or early in the morning.   As long as she if safe with all the family members in the house, you can probably work around her problems while working on the issues she has.   I am inclined to think that she may never be 100% safe so this is something you will have live with and be vigilant about.   If she bites a family member or a visitor in your home, I would like you to seriously consider your options.   She could seriously injure a child or an adult.

I was breaking up a dog fight last spring, trying to get one female in the house while letting another outside, I wasn't fast enough and they started a fight.  I ended up with 16 stitches in my finger, missed a day of work, spent 5 hours at emergency, and have the scar to remind me of my lack of vigilance with the 2 girls.  I put the one female to sleep because she was so dog aggressive she would scale the chain link to get at another dog.  Sad, but for the best.  This is only the second time in 30 years that I have had to do this but it was for the safety of the rest of the dogs and puppies.  

Please, Kelly, try your best to get her over these issues. I know you love your dog but if you can't control her, or guarantee your families safety, she should be put to sleep.  I know this seems like an extreme measure and I don't want to hurt your feelings or upset you.  Give this girl your best effort and keep me posted on her progress.
