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shephard ears

19 17:34:24

hello i have a 100lb 1 year old german shephard male his ears are down i wanted them to stand can you please let me know if there is anything i can do i wanted to have the vet take care of his ears when he was little but the vet said that they would stand on there own he was wrong i love my dog either way i just think they look better when they are standing please let me know what you think i would really appreciate it thank you

Nope, unfortunately at this age there's nothing you can do. YOu could try wrapping and taping but usually by a year old they're set. Had they been wrapped beginning at four or five months you would've had a chance of making them stand. This is usually genetic. You can TRY making sure he's getting enough calcium and bone meal in his diet. But I'm thinking this is just something you're going to have to live with
I'm sorry