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German Sheperds Heat Cycles

19 17:38:07

I have two German sheperds, one which is a male of about 2 years, Buddy, and the other is a female of 9 months, Roxanne. Roxanne has started her first heat cycle and I have been keeping her in the house away from Buddy because it is bad to allow a female to get pregant during her first cycle. My question is can she get pregnant after the bleeding stops or does the heat cycle last longer than the bleeding, if so about how much longer? Thanks for your help.

Her fertile part of the cycle will be the second and third week after the bleeding started.  How can you be thinking of breeding when you have done so little investigation and need to ask such a question?  Do you have hip X-rays on him?  Why not get him neutered now, and her spayed as soon as the vet is willing?  Every decent pet owner has the obligation to either learn enough about proper breeding or get their dogs fixed.  Failing to do so is selfish and irresponsible, creating no end of misery.  Do you care about the millions of dogs slaughtered for lack of homes often after short, miserable lives?  Please go to