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GSD and AKC Registration Name

19 17:38:47

I recently purchased a top line GSD Pup. I purchased him from a man who had his dog stud the pups mother. The man I purchased him from orginally was gonna keep the pup for Schutzhund, however due to health issues he is unable to. He had not sent in his AKC registration when I purchased the pup.

On the paper work, in the section where it says name. The ending part of the name had been filled in, with some horrible sounding German name from the woman who originally whelped him.

It says on the registration paper work, " The registering owner has the right to name the dog..."

I was wondering if I did this online, and named the dog myself would it possibly rejected?

The easy way out is to leave it as it is.  You don't have to use the name except on paper work for competition etc.  We kept a top quality breeding stock dog for friends this weekend.  We only knew her as Belle, I have no idea what her registered name is.