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Swollen Hind Legs

19 17:36:38

My 7 mth old female shepard died last night and I am confused as to what happened. She was fine the morning when I left to go to work and when I came home the evening her two hind legs and her front right leg was swollen. It was too late to take her to the vet so I took her the next morning and the vet told me she had abcesses on her hind legs. I left her in the clinic so that she could get the proper care and when I went back in the evening she had gotten worse. By 7pm she died. Her coat was fine, she was alert and in good spirits when I dropped her at the vet, but they told me she developed a really high fever that got out of control and they have no idea what happened. She got her last shots 3 weeks ago and she was fine. I have two other dogs and I'm worried if it might be something contagious or maybe someone poisoned her.

Your puppy could've been suffering from several different problems, beginning with blastomycosis which often presents with draining sores and swelling, to MRSA which is a staff infection that begins with a small break in the skin and can become systemic quickly. Without actually having seen her there's no way that I could possibly know. All I can give you is guess's and maybes. Did your vet not do a post mortem? If she had blasto then it is contagious, not only to your other dogs but also to you. If she had a staph infection , this is also contagious. You should check your other dogs for any open wounds or sores, and watch them closely for any other symptoms. If you see ANYTHING that resembles an infection in either them, or you, DO NOT wait to seek medical attention. Emergency vets are expensive at night but not as costly as losing your pet, just as an ER visit for you is expensive but worth it to save your life, or health.
I'm so sorry for your loss.