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german shepherd with cats

19 17:39:52

hello my husband is about to aquire a puppy german shepherd and i am really scared because i have a 3 year old cat that i love so much,i am afraid that the german shepherd would do any harm when he grows up, can a german shepherd be a good companion to a cat?  

A German Shepherd can absolutely be a good Companion to a Cat.  I have 4 shepherds and am planning to get a cat!  A kitten actually.   A puppy will adjust to the cat very quickly and accept the cat right away and will want to play  and as a grown up he will love your cat and treat her well.

The same may not be true for your cat.  Your cat will most likely claw and scratch the pup when it tries to be friendly.   With a little education and time they can become great friends.

I had a 3 year old cat that I introduced to my german shepherd dog some years ago. They eventually did sleep together but the cat had a hard time trusting the dog because she was accustomed to being the queen of the house.  The dog was afraid of the cat because her sharp claws hurt his nose and she clawed him every time he tried to make friends.  When the cat came near he ran away. The dog was friendly and didn't know why the cat was so mean.  Over Time they learned to trust each other developed a great bond.

Check out the below link for assistance with introducing your cat to a dog.

If you are planning to get a german shepherd pup, please educate yourself on puppy care, training, socialization and behaviors.  This will help with the lifelong bond you all will share.  Your pets will get along in no time as long as the owner knows what to do.

Wishing You all The Best