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German Shepherd and Scottish Terrier?

19 17:39:52

e a 6 years-old, male German Shepherd, not fixed. My boyfriend wants to get a Scottish Terrier. The dogs will not live in the same place but we'd like to be able spend some afternoons together, take them out for a walk together, and eventually, leave them in the same place while we're away for the weekend, etc.
Is is a good combination?
If it is, is a female or a male scottie puppy best for us?

I don't know that dogs pay much attention to other dogs' breeds.  Gender is very important.  As long as the female is spayed, male/female is usually the least problematical combination.  Better yet if the male is neutered.  Doing so is a no brainer in most cases.  If not, he will be more likely to develop cancer before too many years.  

He may or may not welcome a female puppy.  Many 6 year old dogs have no interest in puppy biting games.  With a female, at the worst he should snap at her to warn her off.