Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > will not mate

will not mate

19 17:50:10

I have a 17 month old german sheperd.She has now been to stud dog 3 times she will not stand for him but is standing for my mixed breed dog who has had the snip.She was standing for him on her 9th day,We have been to stud dog 3 times but she still won't stand.Iwould be glad of any advise you can give  

Hi Denise
You might want to muzzle her and make her stand, do not let her get away with this.  Most bitches breed early, mine breed late into the cycle.  I mean like the 14 and 16 days of heats.
Tie her up tightly to a pole or if somebody can contain her while she is bred, do so, otherwise tie her up tightly.
Muzzle so she does not bite the stud or people.  Most normal dogs breed pretty much naturally.
I have had a total of puppies since Jan 11 to March 12 a total of 26 from 3 different bitches.
I seldom have a problem with virgin bitches if bred on the proper day and the stud if seasoned also.  If he is not this can irritate the bitch so she would rather pass.
Make sure your using a good stud dog the first time to teach her it is ok.

Kind Regards