Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > gsds


19 17:36:49

Hi Mr Labman,

I have a GSD bitch named Dyna. She is quiet smaller compared to an average GSD. She's 19 months old. One can see her ribs. She's thin plus has a single coat. Is there a defficiency in her diet or there is a genetic problem? Is she a cross breed?

thanks for your reply

What does your vet say?  You are feeding her all she will eat of a common brand of dry dog chow?  It is common for a GSD to keep itself thin and their ribs even showing a little.  They are actually much healthier that way than other breeds that will eat more than is good for them and become fat.  If your vet feels she is excessively thin, he should be running tests on her and identifying the problem and solving it if possible.

It is quite common for a young pure GSD to be a skinny little dog.  An indoor dog will never develop the heavy, double coat of an outdoor dog.