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aggression and anxiety

19 17:49:44

I adopted a male "sheperd-husky" from a shelter in January 2005. He is 3yrs. old and has already had basic obedience. Something I noticed immdiately is that he will do his busniess in the house (#1) My husband and I started the positive corrections and it soon stopped. A month later it started again. We have not been able to correct the problem. Also when he misbehaves and we tell him to go to his room (the bathroom) he only listens once in a while and just recently we had another episode where he didn't want to listen so i went to take him by the collar and show him and he showed his teeth and snapped at me. He has done this before but only groweled, not snapped. We also just found out we are going to be having a baby and i don't want a dog that gets aggressive when i try to correct him...please help! I really don't want to give up my dog.

Hi Kathy
Sorry so long been ill.
The dog has now gotten control of you rather than you being the BOSS AND LEADER IN CONTROL OF THE DOG.
You should of been somewhat more harsh in corrections and training.   You must be ahead of this breed always, for they are highly intelligent.  They become the Dominant one if u let up for a second.
I suggest that in corrections u posture yourself in a matter that this is going to stop, if it shows its teeth, growl back at the dog and say a loud firm, NO MORE, HEAR ME?
lOOK INTO ITS EYES AND FACE AND MEAN IT FIRMLY THAT THERE WILL NOT BE ANOTHER INCIDENT LIKE THIS OR ELSE.  Do not send dogs to a room, this is why he is now found a way to Buffaloe u because your punishing  him like a child going into a corner.
Dogs are dogs, so start to think like one, what will work to correct this dog now????
Grab him on the back of his neck a hunk of fur, lift up and while lifting pinch the skin and then shake it back and forth, look into his face and say again NO MORE OF THIS EVER AGAIN LOUDLY AND FIRMLY, YOUR ANGRY NOW AND U R GOING TO STOP THIS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

If u need further help, let me know.

Kind REgards