Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > German Shepherds > weight


19 17:34:18

I just got a GSD female pup.  She is 2 days shy of being 7 weeks old and she already weighs a little over 15 lbs.  My last GSD (also a female) weighed about 6.5 pounds at that age. I know my other GSD was on the small side, she only ended up at about 70lbs at 3 years, but this new puppy seems to be rather large for a female.  The breeder even said she was the biggest pup in the litter, even bigger than the 3 males in the litter.  I have 2 questions...first, am I correct about her being quite large for her sex and age (she is not a Shiloh or West German shepherd, just the american GSD)?  If I am correct, I'm worried about her growing too fast and having bad joints because of it.  I usually feed my dogs Eukanuba.  Is there another food that you can suggest that may work better for her, or do you think the Eukanuba is ok?

Not really. Average size for an eight week old puppy is 16-20 pounds so she is right there, I don't like EUkanuba regardless, and would rather see her on something with no by products, corn wheat or soy. 23 percent protein or less. Wellness, Natural Balance Flint River, Eagle Pack, Solid Gold, etc, I think you would be MUCH better satisfied with any one of those. Less chances for allergies, less waste, less poop, less food consumed once they are nutritionally balanced,
Good luck