Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Chihuahuas > newborn orphan

newborn orphan

19 16:37:43

Is it bad if he gets diarrhea and how do i help him so he dont get it again? His mother died at birth so im new to this

Hi Leslie...

It's a serious matter when the mother dies giving birth and it's also very serious when a puppy has diarrhea.  Literally, they can die in hours from dehydration.  I don't think this forum or any other forum on the internet is a good place to get any information about this pup's diarrhea - in my opinion, he needs to be seen by a veterinarian immediately so that he can be properly diagnosed (there's a large number of possibilities as to what's causing this), treated and hydrated if necessary.

I'm wishing you and the pup the best of luck.

Jo Ann