Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Chihuahuas > Re: Our loss / Chi death / so sorry!

Re: Our loss / Chi death / so sorry!

19 16:37:41

QUESTION: Dear Ms Peppers,
Today our 3lbs 3year old female chihuahua died. It was her birthday and Like every other day she was in the yard roaming around but my wife suddenly found her stretched on her side dead. She doesn't drive and I was away, she tried to revive her but nothing helped. We are devastated and cannot understand what happened, there was not a mark on her and we can't afford vet bills for an autopsy.
Please if you have any thought as to what on earth could have happened to a young and totally healthy dog for it to die, let us know. Our grief is doubled by the lack of knowledge.
Thank you very much for your consideration.
Mel and Gina Babakan

ANSWER: Hello Mel and Gina, I am so sorry for you loss.....VERY sad.
You know, I am sorry to say but it could be poison of some kind.
Do you have anyone that would have placed something in the yard for her to eat?  If she is a barker, this can happen if someone wanted to shut her up.  ( sorry, this had happened to me)

Did you see any foam at her mouth?
Is her belly swollen at all?

Again, I am so sorry for your loss.

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello Ms Peppers,
Thank you for your prompt reply and your compassion.
No she was not a barker and we are blessed with good neighbours, she did not have any foam at the mouth nor did she have any swelling of the belly. It was as if she had gone to sleep but not curled up, flat on her side with her eyes open. My wife thinks she has heard a faint yelp which attracted her attention towards her, but when she went out to her she was already lifeless; mouth to mouth and heart massage did not help to revive her.
Once again we thank you for your support in our time of sorrow.
Mel and Gina

Oh, I am glad she was not poisoned!  Well, let's hope is was a natural death and she sure did not suffer.  I guess it is good to go quickly if you time is up.
That's they way it should be suffering.

I have a chi, too....Miss Priscilla...
We will be thinking of you ..

Marie Peppers