Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Chihuahuas > numbness in front legs of chi ;

numbness in front legs of chi ;

19 16:36:53

Our 12 yr old Chi has recently begun stumbling on her front legs.  In watching her closer her front legs bend under as if they give.  We touched the top side of her foot with a pin and she didn't feel it.  The vet is treating her with arthritis medication since he doesn't know what is wrong with her.  We cannot afford a $900 scan so I am in hopes that you might have heard of this.  We were told when she was a puppy that they thought she had a neurological disorder since she would prance and use her front paws more than they thought normal.  Since that was the only symptom, we didn't pursue it. She has seemed fine since except for the stumbling which sometimes prevents her from walking at all. She is fawn in color and weighs 10lbs. I am Thanking you in advance for any help I can get.

Hi Beverly - Wow, I am so sorry... Yes, it sounds like a nervous system problem.  I have some great supplements for joint and bone but not sure about this.????
Glad she is not in any pain.
Sorry, I just don't think that I can help.
See if the other Chi expert has any ideas.  

BEST wishes to you.....

Marie Peppers LPN MA