Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Chihuahuas > 1 yr. old chihuahua ; dog food recipe cottage cheese and veggies;

1 yr. old chihuahua ; dog food recipe cottage cheese and veggies;

19 16:36:25

Coco does not seem to be eating much. I work, so she is in acage unless my son is home, and he doesn't pay attention to her. I leave food in the cage for her plus I set a dish out at all times. I have tried several kinds, encluding canned in gravy. She will eat a few pieces at night. Is there a special kind that you recomend I try? Wanda Gillman

NuVET Plus for Chi dogs ; Home-cooking ; dog food recipes ;
Give me an update on your baby?

Hi Wanda , Coco may want to try the Innova, Wellness , or Merrick brands of dog food....Merrick makes all kinds of Dog STEWS...
Or - try this : an easy mix you can make at home:

Cottage Cheese Mix   ( you can feed 1/4 cup per day)-  This is to be fed with dry kibble or canned dog food : this is some x-tra protein or a nice treat

1 teaspoons vegetable oil
1 teaspoon  I bone meal*  ( *from health food stores)
2 cups creamed cottage cheese
1/2 cup vegetables (optional) ( grated green beans or peas???)
Mix all in a bowl...
Serve the cottage cheese and vegetables together on the side, OR  mix them into the dry dog kibble.

Yield: About 2 3/4 cups
YOU may want to cut this recipe down to your size...

1 cup creamed cottage cheese
1/2 teaspoon of oil
1/2 teaspoon of bone meal
1/4 cup of veggies ( grated)  * NO onions...

HOPE this helps...
I sure she will love the cottage cheese..

YOU may also want to give 1/2 of a NuVET wafer supplement per day :  1000s of Chi doggies take 1/2 or 1 full NuVET per day:  protect the immune system and also helps to protect the hips, legs, and joints.  An all around wonderful vitamin for your baby.
20.00 for a bottle of wafers / will last you 2 Months...
call 1-800-474-7044  Tell them pet Nurse Marie sent you

BEST wishes
Marie Peppers