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Sago Palm Poisonings

19 16:37:03

I read with great interest your advise to the recent posting from someone whose puppy had been repeatedly throwing up. I thought it excellent that you encouraged her to immediately take her dog to a Vet AND suggested she look for poisonous plants in her yard - specifically identifying the SAGO PALM and the huge increase in pet poisonings from this plant. That is truly expert advise. Having lost my own dog to Sago Palm poisoning 1 year ago, I have since become a bit of an expert on how deadly this plant is to cats, dogs, and horses. The increase in poisonings seems to mirror the increase in sales at major retailers such as Costco (where I purchased mine), Home Depot, Lowes, Sam's Club, and WalMart. There is an online petition, recently created by a man who lost his cat in April 2009, at, that asks these retailers to please label this plant as toxic to pets. I would be so grateful if you would not only sign the petition, but also help spread the word to all the pet owners, veterinarians, and animal rescue groups that you interact with. Thank you in advance for your help!

ANSWER: Susan, thank you so much for responding to the advice I gave someone about the SAGO PALM plant and for all the positive reinforcement concerning that advice. I would like to offer you my sincere and heart felt condolences on the loss of your dog due to this extremely dangerous and toxic plant.  Yes, the increase in poisonings certainly does mirror the incredible increase in sales of these plants. An increase in sales with no thought or warning about the serious consequences if even a tiny seed is ingested by a pet.

A few weekends back, I went to a holistic pet shop in Berkeley, California and stopped in my tracks when I saw that there was a pot with a huge SAGO PALM right outside the door.  I mentioned the severity of toxicity from that plant to the shop owner and advised her to look it up on the net.  Minutes later, we were having coffee at Starbuck's just doors down from the pet shop and saw at least two people walking by with new SAGO PALMS they had just purchased. I looked in the direction from which they came and figured that they had come from a trendy super market that must be selling these deadly plants.  The next week I was running errands and happened upon a Starbuck's in another city that had SAGO PALMS in pots on either side of their entrance.  Next to water bowls!  I'm afraid the prevalence of these plants is worse than what I originally thought! It seems like they're just EVERYWHERE lately.

Susan, I run a dog health group on Yahoo and I will most certainly spread the word there and would like to extend an invitation to have you present information yourself to the group members regarding your experience/expertise with this most deadly plant. I have met people online who have had dogs suffer tremendous liver damage due to the SAGO PALM on Yahoo groups for liver compromised dogs and will make sure I pass on the petition to them along with the contents of your posting to me (once I get permission to copy and use it). Even if a dog makes it once becoming ill due to Sago poisoning, the treatment is arduous, costly and stressful to say the very least.  In addition, treatment is long as blood panels may be required for a lengthy period of time to make sure that the liver is not worsening.

Susan, I would like permission to copy and send your EXACT "Question" (the info. that you sent me in lieu of a question) to those groups mentioned above and others as I come across them in an effort to "spread the word".  You can count on me to make sure that the petition is circulated and that I sign it as well.

Again, my sincere condolences on the loss of your dog and I commend you on your efforts to take action like you are in sparing countless animals in the future the horrendous suffering and death imposed by these EXTREMELY TOXIC plants.

Jo Ann

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Not only do you have my permission to post my "question" to you re the dangers of Sago Palms, you have my utmost gratitude! I will certainly take you up on your invitation to present additional information to your groups, as well. You should also know that the author of the petition, Vince Cowdry, has gathered a tremendous amount of information on the dangers of Sagos. He recently started the petition after losing his cat to Sago Palm poisoning this past April. In a twist of irony, or fate, we soon found out that not only did we purchase our plants from the same retailer (Costco) but also shared the same pet name - both our deceased pets were named "Bella". Vince is every bit committed to making pet owners aware of the dangers of Sagos as I am, and just today participated in a radio interview on XM Radio on the subject.

Until Growers and Retailers do the right thing, the moral thing, and clearly inform all potential buyers of the known danger of the Sago to pets, I will be relying on people such as yourself to help inform pet owners everywhere. So, Jo Ann, I am grateful beyond words for any help that anyone can provide to help prevent needless poisonings. THANK YOU!!

Hi Susan...

I'm glad that you told me a bit about Vince Cowdry so that I can pass that information along, too.  What a strong coincidence that you both bought those plants at the same place and that your beloved pets shared the same name.

Susan, a list member on one of my Chihuahua groups sent in an article on Sago Palms and I thought that this would be a good time to present the information that you gave me regarding your experience (for which you've given permission) to that group.

In responding to this reply, specify it as "private" and we can exchange private email addresses so that we can keep in touch over this important issue - meaning the severe toxicity associated with the Sago Palm.