Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Chihuahuas > My dog is in heat I dont know what to do!

My dog is in heat I dont know what to do!

19 16:37:26

Since this is my dogs first heat cycle, when is the best time to spay her?

Hi Mimi...

Ideally, you want to have her finish this heat cycle and then get her spayed.  Call a qualified veterinarian that has experience with this breed of dog and tell them when she went into heat and make an appointment based on their calculation of when she should be ready.  If you haven't had her examined yet, go in for an appointment to make sure that she's in great health for the spay surgery.  Have the vet look at her teeth and see if she has any retained baby teeth - generally, you have those removed when you have them anesthetized for a spay surgery.

Jo Ann