Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Chihuahuas > Rescued Chi

Rescued Chi

19 16:36:59

Hi I resently rescued a chi from a really bad situation where she was abused
and breed multiple multiple times and basically the person whom breed her
was going to put her to sleep because she no longer produced litters for
her...I fell in love with this little girl the moment I saw her not to mention she
was only 4 years old and basically a puppy!!! However she IS 4 years old
and I'm wondering if it's a little too late too train her? From years of abuse
she never perks up her ears, her tail is alwas between her legs and if you
even slightly raise your voice she cowers and exposes her belly...I want to be
able to have her love me and not be deathly scared of me, I also want to
puppy pad/litter box train her as I live in an apartment and make her sleep in
her own bed because I don't want her to sleep on my bed. Is this possible I'd
is it too late??

Hi - That was so Wonderful of you to rescue this Adult chi!!!!
YOU are an angel!
I would like you to go over to our Dog Trainer section-
Or - Dog - Behavior Experts -
There are many on the All Experts site they may be able to help.
I am not much of a trainer at all....
I mainly deal with health and wellness questions.

BEST wishes to you two!

Marie Peppers LPN MA