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Chihuahuas bad behavior after spaying

19 16:36:54

I just had my 8 1/2 month old Chihuahua spayed on Friday (7/10/09) and now she is being so nasty to me. The first night she came home I let her be and didn't bother her and she was nice. Then the next day, Saturday, she was nice to me and I took her out for a walk and everything. Saturday night around 9 PM is when she started with the bad behavior and now she won't go to the bathroom when I'm around and when she does go she refuses to use her wee wee pad, she'll go on the floor. When I try and take her out she gets excited when she sees the leash but then once the leash gets close she yelps really loud and runs from me, If I go near her she snaps at me. I'm really frustrated and don't know what to do. She has to wear a cone collar until Friday (7/17/09). Do you think the collar is causing her stress and that's why she snaps and runs from me? I also can barely pet her without her going crazy. I really appreciate any advice you can give me.
Candice Clayton

Hi Candice , I wonder if she has a urinary infection and some pain?
It can happen after a spay operation..... Please bring her to the vet or at least call them.
Something is very wrong with this gal...

good luck - Wish I could be of more help..

Let me know what the vet says?

Marie Peppers