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19 16:37:48

QUESTION: I have 4 chihuahuas (2 female/2male) The newest addition, female, bites at one of my males. She licks his ears and then bites him.If he whines for some reason she goes after him and sometimes he cries. Why does she do this? He does growl at her occasionally in response. Thank you

ANSWER: Hi Sandy!

This is a difficult question to answer without having more details like the ages of the three dogs that you already had prior to adding the new addition, the age of the new addition and some information on who has been the dominant dog of the original three.  It would also help to know if all the dogs involved are spayed and neutered.

My guess, based on just the information that I have, is that this could very well be a dominance issue where the new female is trying to establish dominance over this particular male.

Feel free to write again with more information, Sandy.

Jo Ann

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Kobi,male,5yrs;Scooter,male,3yrs;CiCi,female,2yrs-all four spayed and neutered; new dog,Dixie,female,5yrs.I think CiCi may be dominant because she protects Kobi from Dixie.Kobi snaps at Dixie but she comes back.Scooter will also come between Kobi and Dixie so I am not sure who is dominant. I have been trying to discourage Dixie's behavior as I am suppose to be the Pack Leader. Dixie has never been around other dogs so I know she has to adjust but she also tries to bite people when they are leaving my house. She barks after me when I leave but does not attempt to bite. She was caged for about one year and had no contact with people except whomever fed her. She seems to be attached to me, but walks around the room when other people are here. She has learned her name, learned how to walk on a leash and come when she is called in the four months that I have had her. Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again Sandy

ANSWER: Thank you for responding with so much more information, Sandy.  Boy, I feel that Dixie has such a huge transition to make with never having been socialized with other dogs and with having been kept in a cage with no human contact for so long.  Holy Cow!  I have to say that I think she's doing REALLY well considering the circumstances.  And, you sound like the perfect person to guide her and understand her during this transition.  Honestly, I would have not been surprised at all to have read that she was reacting in a more serious fashion with the other dogs being that she's had no socialization and she's facing so many new situations.  I can't help but feel that she has some separation anxiety going on, too, and it's good that she'll walk around a room when people are over and doesn't just stand there and bark.  I think that the biting that you see when people are leaving is a form of fear biting.  She doesn't understand the sudden activity and she could very well be feeling a bit of anxiety at seeing someone leave after having been caged and fed by someone that only gave her attention during that feeding time and then promptly left again.

I give her high marks for not being more aggressive with the other dogs.  I think she's making some awkward attempts at socialization but needs some guidance.  I think the other dogs are getting use to her, too.  How about some positive reinforcement on a consistent basis?  How about a firm "NO" when she bites at Kobi and a small treat and huge amounts of praise when she reacts to him appropriately or minds when you tell her "no"?  In fact, how about treats for all of them when they interact appropriately?  Lot's of "good girl", "what a fine girl Dixie is" in a nice, high pitched voice when she responds correctly.

The same thing when people are over and they get up to leave.  How about giving guests a little treat that they hand her when they leave?  Perhaps if this is done on a consistent basis, Dixie will see the act of leaving the house as a positive thing instead of the "threatening" gesture it appears to be now.

Speaking of praise, I think you need to give yourself a huge pat on the back for accomplishing so much in the short period of four months.  I think most dogs will come around if given time and consistency.  I have no doubt you're the person for the job!

Let me know what you think about all of this and feel free to write again.  You can also write back noting that you want a private response and I will give you a Yahoo group address where you can join other Chihuahua lovers.

Jo Ann

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you so much JoAnn. I feel like I am on the right track. They all have a bad habit of barking crazy when my sister or son come over (excited to see them) so I have began making them sit at the door and giving them bites of chicken if they sit quietly. All four will sit and they do pretty good not barking. I never thought about using the treats for Dixie when she shows anxiety. I do talk to them in that high pitched voice and they love it. I will try to get her to sit when she does her unwanted behavior and see if that works. I do say no in a firm voice and I know all of this will take time and I do believe she is doing wonderful. She is a sweet baby. I love all of them and they are not the mean, nasty dogs that a lot of people envision. Mine are so loving. I guess I needed reassurance that I was doing the right thing. One more thing. Sometimes Kobi will try to mount Scooter. Is this a show of dominance or is he just feeling like a boy? I always tell him no as I am the pack leader and he will stop. I am just full of questions. Thank you for all of your help. Sandy

You're entirely welcome, Sandy.  We all need reassurance that we're doing the right thing when we place importance on the task at hand and I think that you're an extraordinary Chi owner!

That barking at the door when people arrive is SO much a Chi trait and it's especially noticeable when you have a group of Chihuahuas like you do - they tend to act together as a pack.  I think it's wonderful that you've managed to train them in such a positive way to sit and bark far less by using bits of chicken!  

Yes, I do think that Kobi trying to mount Scooter is a dominance display and I'm not surprised at all due to how he's being dominated by your new female.  He's trying to find his place in the pack.  You may start to see another of your Chis start to display this behavior as they're trying to get things worked out as to who will be where in the pecking order.

You're doing a good job, Sandy!

Jo Ann