Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Chihuahuas > can you help me tell what is wrong with my dog please;

can you help me tell what is wrong with my dog please;

19 16:38:00

I have a 6 yeard old long haired chihuahua,(not neutered) he was very attached to my husband who passed away 2 years ago. Since then, I decided to get another 2 chihuahua's one male now 18months old and one female 14 months old (both have been neutered)to keep him company. They all get along very well and sleep with me but now my older dog has decided he wants no part of it and sleeps in his bed on the floor. He has started to pee a lot in the house even though I take them all for walks every day and he is in and out of the house all day. He has always been a very clean dog. I give them all a lot of attention, even more so him because I know that he may perhaps miss his Dad, the same as myself. Any suggestions please??

Hi Jules - sorry about the loss of your husband.  I wonder if your little guy has a medical problem.  Sounds like he could have a urinary or even prostate problem.  I would think a visit to the vet for some blood work would help.
If they can't find anything wrong with him, let me know.
We can place him on a few great supplements and an oil..

BEST wishes on this!

Marie Peppers LPN MA