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3 month yr old chi throwing up

19 16:36:52

So we just got our first chihuahua and he has been okay but has not been drinking water only 2% milk and soft puppy food but today (7/22) he started throwing up liquids and not really eating anything except bread and water for the first time. We don't really know what to do about it other than keep him hydrated with water and keep him company, but first I want to just make sure he is okay? When he gets picked up or wakes up from sleeping he'll throw up liquids.   -thanks, Nikki.

Nikki - I am so sorry about this ....Your baby needs to see the vet ASAP...Please - this could be serious...
I am unable to help you until he sees the vet ...
a basic vet visits is 60 to 90.00 ....
Please, your baby is a chi and they can go BAD very quick.

Good luck
Marie Peppers

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