Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Chihuahuas > chi littermates potty training ; nuvet puppy vitamins ;

chi littermates potty training ; nuvet puppy vitamins ;

19 16:37:03

hi , i would like to ask you if you have had any experience raising chi lttermates , I have their father and he had seizures at one point , and so i feel that i should not sell them if potentially it is genetically caused. And so i am keeping 3 plus their dad and my 13 year old shep/lab who mostly sleeps all day . their dad is 11 and is very calm too. Is it necessary to crate train them individually or could i keep them in a very large vinyl doggie playpen it's huge. with a wee pad . And if i do need to crate train them could they be together? in a big one with the wee pad while i leave for work ,at night for sleeping ? please tell me how i could make it work and how to make a happy pack with my 2older dogs? their dad is not fixed , but i will fix the pups at 6 months and the shep / lab is fixed . The pups are 2 females and 1 male

Hello Debby - Try to have all of them spayed or neutered by 9 months of age, the latest...
As for potty training them / and CRATE training...
I like the x-pens - it is like a big play pen or the very large vinal crate may work.  The x-pen is nicer because it is not so enclosed.
YOU should be able to have all 3 together in one big area with potty pads or newspaper.

Also, If you can - make sure you are feeding a good food like Innova PUPPY, Wellness Puppy or Merrick Puppy foods.
NuVET powder is great for all the pups / just 1/2 teaspoon per day per pup.
SEE NuVET here: many Chi breeders send the pups home with a Sample of NuVET Plus.
TEll them Pet Nurse Marie sent you...
MUST have a referral to buy from the Manufacturer..... ONLY sold by Holistic vets and some breeders

Good luck - as they grow older , I am here for you : JUST ask

Marie Peppers
Ask the Pet Nurse
Good LUCK and HAVE FUN!!!!