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Frontline Question

19 16:36:45

When is it safe to put frontline on a Chihuahua Puppy ? Ours Is 9 1/2 weeks old the package says 8 weeks ....but I'm still worried because shes so little....Anyone else use frontline on your puppy and what age weight is safe?Lucy barely moves the needle on a regular scale so I am having a hard time seeing what she weighs lol im guessing maybe a pound or just under : / Any suggestions?

Personally, I wouldn't use it.  Products like this contain toxins and can affect the liver, etc.  I use no flea products at all on my three Chihuahuas and many indoor cats and they are flea-free.  I vacuum often (including the furniture) and run a flea comb over them when we come back from places where they may have picked up a flea or two.  If you drop a flea (from the flea comb) into a glass of water that has Dawn (blue) dishwashing detergent in it, it will coat it so that it can't escape from the glass of water.  Pour the contents of the glass down the toilet when you've finished flea combing.  And change your vacuum bags after vacuuming so that fleas can't exit the vacuum cleaner while it's sitting around not being used.

If your pup is just 9 1/2 weeks old, does it actually have fleas?  At this age, you shouldn't be taking this pup places as it doesn't have the full series of puppy shots to protect it.

If I were to suddenly come up with an extensive flea problem, I would make sure to treat the yard and house and would only use Advantage IF I absolutely had to and that's based on my researching the topical products out there and deciding that I felt safest with this one.

Jenny, take a look at this website:  

They discuss how to control fleas without using toxins here:

You should pick up a baby scale to weigh Lucy so that you can keep accurate track of her weight.  Another thing to keep in mind is that healthy animals that are fed premium, human grade foods attract far fewer fleas than those with a weak immune system.  

Jo Ann