Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Chihuahuas > 4 month old chi anxiety;

4 month old chi anxiety;

19 16:36:53

Hello Marie,

My wife bought a 4 month old chi 3 days ago, she is a very sweet puppy that seems to be suffering from separation anxiety, she won't play or walk freely in the house.  She eats and goes to the bathroom on a pad but she seems very sad and scared.  we have to put her on her puppy pad then she will walk from the pad to her bed, but that's it.  I left her home alone for 2 hours and she stayed in her bed and did not move the entire time I was gone. What can I do to lively her up a little bit.  Thanks for the help.


Hi Joe - give this baby some time to bond with you.
Place her bed near you if possible... ( and her potty pad, too)

She just lost her Pack and needs to feel safe:  It takes time with little dogs..... I have a Chi, too....Don't worry.

Talk to her and make lots of eye contact.  She will come around soon!

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers