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5 week old chihuahua shaking.

19 16:38:34

I just got a 5 week old chihuahua 2 days ago.  I was apprehensive about getting her due to her age, but the breeder re-assured me she was fine to go to a new home, because she had been eating on her own for a week.  She as no problem eating, but she is consistently shaking.  Is this normal??  How much should I try to feed her.  I have been feeding her pedigree canned puppy food.  Should I try to get puppy formula and feed that to her as well?  Thank you for your input.

Hello, Kelley! It is COMPLETELY normal for chihuahuas to shake. Mine do it all the time. As far as food goes, I reccomend feeding her puppy formula since she is so young, and when she gets older, (around...3 months) you can feed her regular, unless a vet says anything different. I also reccomend Pedigree small breed (comes in a yellow sack).

Hope I helped,