Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Chihuahuas > my chis eyes are very watery/scratched/irritated?

my chis eyes are very watery/scratched/irritated?

19 16:36:42

MY little chi is about 15 months old and i have noticed that she has very watery eyes, and in the cracks of her eyes it looks like soars, (like if she is scratching too hard or one of my other chi's bit her? (she is almost hairless so i know her skin is very delicate she doesnt have alot of hair anywhere so i am wondering if its cuz she has dry skin that is getting irritated and then causing a scab? Any help would be great, she is fine otherwise but her eyes look so bad!! :(
my hubby just laughs and calls her maggie balboa, i want to make sure everything is ok, (she does play fight alot with my other chi who is about 2+ years.....


NuVet wafers or powder
Valarie - Go to the store and get some Eye wash ( the kind for people) * Make sure it just has normal saline in the solution.
Use a little of this 2 x per day / just flush or squirt into the eye.
If it continues, you may be dealing with environmental allergens..
You can try 1/2 a teaspoon of NuVET Plus powder, mixed into the dog food.
NuVet is an allergy blaster....