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Chihuahuas back legs

19 16:33:55

We have a mini chihua, this is the second time he seems to have dislocated his back legs. Our vet seemed to say this happens in smaller dogs (he is about 6 lbs). They seemed to have gone back the last time, happened last winter as well....can I give him anything for this dumb, but advil, tylenol, aspirin?

OH NO!!!!  Do not ever give Advil, Tylenol or even aspirin without talking to your veterinarian first.  Tylenol is toxic to dogs and cats and not all dogs should have aspirin.  You need to have a blood test done on your dog to see if aspirin is a good choice before ever giving it.  You also need to avoid NSAIDS like Rimadyl.  You can google "Rimadyl and dogs" and read about the many deaths due to that product and the class action lawsuit that was filed and won on behalf of dogs that died or became very sick due to Rimadyl.  There are other NSAIDS (non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs) out there that are just as bad as Rimadyl.

I'm assuming that what you're talking about is luxating patellas.  Is this so?  Is this what the vet discussed with you?  I want you to tell me more about the pain and what the vet told you so as to be able to help you more.

I have a Chihuahua with luxating patellas in both back legs and am very informed regarding this condition.  If you would answer the questions that I've asked (above) and get back to me, I would be more than glad to share what information I have with you.  I need to make sure that we're talking about luxating patellas first.  When you say that your vet says that it happens in smaller dogs and that it happened last winter and that "they seemed to have gone back the last time", that leads me to believe that we're talking about luxating patellas here.

Jo Ann