Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Chihuahuas > my chi is hyper and nips

my chi is hyper and nips

19 16:38:30

This is my first chi her name is cheche she had a rough start> I saw a sign outside a house chi pups for sale I called told the pup was 6 weeks old went to get her black and tan dark house anyway got home the puppy had no teeth ears were not open the puppy was only 10 to 12 days old after much money and many formulas she made it now 3 months old I do crate her I call it her house she growls when I try to put her back in and sometimes when I go to place her on the floor I don't hold her all the time. I think she doesn't understand when I correct her because she was taken from her mother and liter mates to young and was not taught by her mother not to nip and growl. she does well with her house training and the sit command when I try to give her treats she goes crazy jumping up and down and pushes of my legs she has bit me hard one time i lay her down in a submissive potision and tell her no but she still just don't get it I do know she is young and with age she will improve if i correct her properly have any suggestions she is a keeper.  

Well you hit the nail on the head, she never developed those crucial socialization skills. With that being said I don't really understand what your question is? Do you not want her to bite? If this is the case you need to let her know this is not tolerated, one way, which is what I do is I make a big production of being bitten, I moan OWWWWW!! And hold my hand that he/she bit and I give the dog a mad look and I turn my back on the dog and ignore it. I do this every time. Maybe seeing if in your area their are animal behaviorists or some classes?