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HELP! My Prissy Girl is pregnant!

19 16:37:30

My Prissy Girl is pregnant. She is expected to have them in May. I bred her to my Poodle, Rusty Hayes. He is a little bigger than her,(I can send pics of both if it will help). She has just lost all of her spunk, she is not playful or active, it is like she is totally depressed. All she does is lay around and its like she is crying. She is softly whinnying and always wants to be hugged close. I am very afraid! what is wrong and what should I do?

Hello Shannon, I am not a breeder... I would think that you can take her in for a check up and blood work.  Also, your vet can talk to you about a C-section.  She is small and many chi kids do need help delivering the pups...

sorry that I can't be much help to you...

BEST of luck to you.
