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my chihuahuas acting weird...

19 16:38:30

my chi is 5 yrs old. yesterday he woke me up at 8 by "scratching" under the covers. he's been acting like he's having a seizure. today he's been walking on his front legs and has flipped over a couple of times. he walks like a little drunk puppy. he's walking backwards and swaying. i know these are not seizures because he's alert. he can't jump on the couch or bed now. vet can't get him in for a few days. i'm freaking out!!! could this been side effects of a stroke??? please help!!! thank you in advace!!!

Does he seem to be "drunk" acting? Perhaps it's a hypoglycemia attack, try to get some Nutrical in his system, they sell this at all pet stores and anyone who has a small breed should have this in stock at all times, it's a high calorie substance that instantly raises up the sugar levels and also works for dogs who are not eating. If you don't have this on hand try some maple syrup. I would take him to the vet ASAP, drop him off, have someone take him for you. Because the least of your worries are a sugar drop, if these are seizures it is serious.