Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Chihuahuas > what can my chi be sick from?

what can my chi be sick from?

19 16:37:49

We just got a 7 month old chi about a month ago and havent had the chance to get him to the vet...he hasnt had his shots yet and was perfectly healthy up to 2 days ago. He just lays around and doesnt eat or drink...ive been giving him vitamin water thru a baby medicine syringe all day and night..last night, he started coming around and ate...and started to act normal...until today again.
is it possible that it may not be parvo, but the possibility that he may get sick just like people? or should i get him to avet right away. i dont have a vehicle at the moment and i live in a rural town. Please help.Should i cintinue to hydrate him?

Hi June , yes continue to use the vitamin water ( Pedylite) - electrolyte solution by syringe.
If there is any way to get this little one to the VET - that would be great.
Also, put a small amount of honey on his tongue or rub some on his teeth.  Will help to increase his blood sugar levels.

Good Luck

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the Pet Nurse