Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Chihuahuas > puppy is yelping---why???

puppy is yelping---why???

19 16:37:42

Hi Jo Ann,you answered my 1st question about my 5mo. old chihuahua and his pickie eating. I tried the evo food and so far so good. I do at times have to hand feed him, but at least he is eating. My other question i have is sometimes for no reason he lets out this piercing yelp(expecially when he is right at my ear)I told the vet and she checked him out and said he is fine. I can either be holding him or he can be racing back and forth and we hear his yelp. He acts fine afterwards so i don't know what is causing this. She (the vet) had trouble finding his 2nd ball cuz it hadn't dropped ,but has now. Could this be the cause of anything.
He does lick in that area and i don't know if it hurts or he is just cleaning himself.
thanks for you help

Hi Julie!

I'm glad that your pup is receptive to the EVO, but I'm a little concerned that you have to hand feed him sometimes.  I'm also quite concerned about this other problem.  When you're holding him up by your ear, how exactly are you holding him?  What parts of his body are you actually touching and which parts might be a bit strained with being held like that?  You know, there's a condition in Chihuahuas that is very common called a luxating patella that will make a dog yelp when it's running.  Usually, you see them favor (lift) the leg that has the patella problem even if just briefly.  Did your vet check his knees by manipulating the knee in the socket?  Does he ever yelp like this after having eaten?  Julie, how many times per day do you think this happens?

For how long was the vet unable to find his other testicle?  When did it drop?  How much is he licking that area and is it after he goes to the bathroom?  Do you see any problem with the skin there or do you feel any swelling or lumps?

So, here's an idea (luxating patella) and a few questions.  Hope to hear from you soon!

Jo Ann