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1Month old feeding schedule for my Chi; new puppy feeding ;

19 16:36:44

QUESTION: I bought a blue Chihuahua yesterday from a lady selling it, she said the puppy was a month old, she didn't say much else, since she spoke Spanish it was hard to communicate. he was the runt and is really tiny, but he is very attentive and walks and eats very well i feed him the soft pouched puppy food but he doesnt seem to want water, is that normal? He interacts well with us. he slept in his bed last night until he cried to potty then he cried to sleep with me so i put his small bed in my bed and he went straight to sleep. Should i feed him during the night? also he stays in a restroom with his food/water/bed and potty pads and lots of stuffed animals is that ok for him? thank you!

ANSWER: Hi - Ok, please get this baby's shots as soon as you can... A good check up from the vet will tell you how old.  The vet can tell the age from the teeth.
Yes, keeping this little one gated and in the bathroom is fine.
Lots of toys and blankets - they like to tunnel under blankets and sheets.

As for feeding - yes, the wet foods are best at 4 weeks of age.
Because this little one left his mom too soon, please make sure you are getting a quality food and add some supplements.
A good brand of wet food is:
Solid Gold

In another week or two you can start to offer a little Dry pup food....( along with the wet)

Good supplement to add daily : 1/4 of a teaspoon of NuVET Plus powder vitamin...
Just 1/4 teaspoon mixed into the food 1 x per day.
As the pup grows you may want to give 1/2 per day .... of the NuVET powder.

Sold by HOLISTIC vet offices and here:
Call in and ask for the small sized bottle - it is a 30 count and will last you 3 months....
The very small bottle is around 20.00 ( Will LAST you 3 months or more)
Call 1-800-474-7044
Tell them Pet Nurse Marie Peppers sent you.
order code 81098

Good luck with this little one -  PLEASE feed 3-4 small meals per day -
As time goes by you can drop down to 3 meals per day.
Chi dogs must eat 2 meals and snacks or 3 meals per day ...BECAUSE of hypoglycemia tendencies.

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers LPN Ma
Ask the pet Nurse

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for all the advice!!! The owner stated he had his heart worm shots not sure how true that was, but we are going to see a vet.this weekend. Should he eat during the night when he wakes up to potty? Since I am not home to feed during the hours of 9-5 should I just leave enough food for the day? Also what about the water is it okay that he does not want to drink water.

ANSWER: Yes, leave some food down and then feed a little more at night.
As for the water intake, he will get the hang of it in time.  Right now - place an x-tra teaspoon of water into the wet dog food.
Make sure you have very small saucer of water down.
YOU can do some formula - puppy formula in a saucer.

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers LPN MA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you. I have an 8 month old Doberman, really big at this point, how do I introduce him to the new chi puppy? He usually stays outdoors unless on weekends/evenings, we are starting to make the transition to him staying inside but he is very destructive so we can not do that just yet. I am kind of afraid he will harm the puppy unintentionally because of his over agressive playfulness.

This little chi needs to be protected from the Doberman .... I am sure they will be friends, down the road....Right now the little pups needs bonding time with you ....and good food.
I would keep them apart for another month, at least.
good luck