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My dog will not stop barking at night!!

19 16:37:27

My dog is 6 Months old and he is a very good dog except for sleeping! My husband keeps him up till 3 am and puts him to bed.  He wakes us up at 4! at 5! at 6:15! He will not stop! I bring him outside he does not pee or go #2. I keep him in the spare bedroom because it was just getting out of control at night keeping him in the room with us.

Hi Ashley!

Your dog is still a pup and I'm wondering about a few things that may have to do with him barking for so long at night.  You say that your husband keeps the pup up until 3 a.m.  What do you mean by this?  Does he play with him all evening and into the wee hours of the night or does he just keep the pup out with him in the house and then put him to sleep in the other room at 3 a.m.?

If the pup is just out with your husband and sleeping next to him or near him while your hubby watches TV, etc., then the pup is probably ready to wake up by 3 a.m. when your husband wants to go to bed.

Pups are like babies - they need consistency and routine.  When the pup was sleeping in your bedroom, was he sleeping in a crate or in bed with you?

Feel free to get back to me with the answers to these questions and more details and I'll be glad to give you any help that I can.

Jo Ann