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Sudden Aggression

19 16:38:28

Hi! I have a 7 year old Chihuahua, Chispita, who has been acting really odd lately. It might be due to the many changes that has happened lately. I recently moved back home from college and living now with 3 more people and another dog. We've been here for about a month and within the past week she's been getting really aggressive.
She's bit my uncle and drew blood. She attacked the family dog by biting home on the neck and ear. And today, she failed to recognize who I was until she got close enough to  recognize my scent.
Is she losing her eye sight or senses?
We have been here for about a month and she's never acted this way before. I'm afraid she's a danger the family and Max, the family dog. Please help us!

I would take her to the vet to have her eyesight checked. Dogs as they get older lose their vision, this is why she didn't notice it was you until you got closer. Also older dogs are used to rituals so to speak, the same routine. She is suddenly in a new place, with weird new People (not that they are, but in her mind they are) and a new dog. The signs of agression are due to again the age, the change in environment, poor baby is stressed out! I would yes make a vet appointment to check her vision, and let him know what has been going on. She could also be suffering from the canine version of demensia (alzheimers) but none of this can be determined until you see your vet. Good luck and let me know what he tells you!