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Chihuahua with eye problem

19 16:38:19

Friends of mine recently found a female chihuahua wandering in a nearby neighborhood and havent found the owners, they are considering keeping her. In the meantime, she has something going on with her left eye. She squints a lot and paws at it sometimes and at one point it had swelled up considerably. Her new owner thinks that because she seemed well taken care of when they found her that she may have been on some meds of some sort for it. If it is something like conjunctivitis, does that take antibiotics? and if so which kinds because they have some leftover doses from their other dogs' last vet visit, and they are not sure what to use but can't afford a vet visit right now. I would be appreciative of any extra information on the care of chihuahuas and their special little eyes. Thank you for your time.

Katie - I don't know for sure... You can try a very small dosage of Benadryl every 8 hrs... ( 1 mg for every pound)
5 pound dog = 5 mg of benadryl

If it is conjunctivitis, she will need to see a vet.  Just tell the vet you have very little money and need a Basic visit ...

Good Luck
