Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Chihuahuas > how do i know if he will survive?

how do i know if he will survive?

19 16:38:18

hello i have a 1 week old Chihuahua puppy that is not strong enough to eat from mamma and i have been feeding him milk every to 3 hours and he just isn't getting strong. he doesn't move his front paws while eating...he will drink the milk but just go to sleep right after i feed him, not even enough strength to eat from mamma, she is still licking him and he is pooping and it smells bad. the other FOUR pups are strong and doing well...i just need to know if little man is going to pass.

Hi Dina, please give him puppy formula and not regular milk... He can possibly make it with dog formula...also, if you have the money a vet can put him on an I.V.  
Did you want to take him to the vet?  Sorry, not much I can do for you..

best of luck,
