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Sick Chi puppy

19 16:37:26

This afternoon my puppy came inside from playing. I saw she had something in her mouth; it looked as if it were another animals feces. I got it out of her mouth and she seemed fine. About 15 minutes later, she began vomiting, ten times total. The first three times it was a brown color, then the rest were yellow foam. She was shaking and you could tell she was very uncomfortable. She is now sleeping on my lap and there has been no vomit for about 20 minutes. Do you have any idea what is wrong with her, or do you recommend bringing her in? Thank you for your help!

I think you definitely need to have your puppy seen by a professional.  It sounds as if she ate something toxic and vomiting that many times indicates that it's serious and she may well be dehydrated.  You also want to make sure that there's no liver or kidney damage.  Pups dehydrate FAST and it's just nothing to fool with.

After you get the situation under control, look around your yard and make sure that you don't have any plants that are toxic.  There has been a drastic increase in severe illness (and death) due to the sago palm in recent years.  Take a good look at this website for facts on toxic plants and toxic foods:

The best of luck to you and I hope your pup ends up just fine.  Just never hesitate with getting immediate medical attention for a situation like this.

Jo Ann