Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Chihuahuas > 9wk old female twitches in sleep(not like a dream), and is limp for a few seconds when I pick her up

9wk old female twitches in sleep(not like a dream), and is limp for a few seconds when I pick her up

19 16:38:03

I also have a year and half old 3.5lb male chihuahua who barks in his sleep and acts like he is running. I got the female about a week ago. She is now 9 weeks old and weigh 1.7lbs puppy,and I have noticed that when she sleeps sometimes she will start twitching and breathing heavily. (I'm not too big of a worrier, but this is seems like somewhat of a seizure. When she is awake she is fine, and was checked out by a vet when I got her.) What worries me is while she is twitching badly in her sleep, and I go to wake her by picking her up, she lies completely limp in my hand for about a good 15 seconds. She then awakes and looks like she is in daze, and then is completely fine. I was just wondering if anyone else has had this problem. Money is tight right now and can't really afford a vet visit in the next week. Sorry if that was too long! thanks in advance for your thought/opinions!


Sounds like she is just in a very deep sleep.  This all sounds normal to me.  Next time she is in for her immunizations, take this up with your vet.  As far as the Chi, the activities you mentioned are also normal.
I know it all looks odd but sounds within normal range.

BEST wishes!!

Marie Peppers LPN MA

The BEST Chi Vitamins in the USA...NuVET Plus