Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Chihuahuas > Can a Female Chi Mate With a Male Shitzu?

Can a Female Chi Mate With a Male Shitzu?

19 16:38:14

HELP! My 3 year old Female Chihuahua might be pregnant with a Male Shitzu's pups. Is this safe for her to take the pregnancy to full term? What about labor and giving birth? I'm worried she's too small. (Around 6 pounds.)

Oh Boy!  I think you need to see a vet .  You may need to have this terminated if she is pregnant.  Chi dogs tend to need C-sections and this just won't work.  Big risk if you let her go thru the pregnancy.
Your vet can do a blood test to see if she is pregnant.

Good Luck
