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English Bulldog face care and cleaning ; washing bulldog folds ;

19 16:16:17

QUESTION: Hi Maria, I have talked to you a few times about my dog BIGGIE. He is almost a year and doing great but sometimes he will itch his face untill he bleeds. Then I have a hard time getting it healed. Anyways my vet said I should do surgery on his rolls to make them smaller. I think they are fine but have you ever heard of this and what do you recommend?

ANSWER: Hi Chris, I think I have a photo of Biggie ???  I do remember you guys!  Well, if you clean the area and use a Probiotic, then you won't need to do surgery.

*here are some of my past posts on bulldog wrinkles and care:
Let me know if this helps?

Corn starch in bulldog facial folds:

Bulldog with tear stains and cleaning folds, too:

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I clean them daily, so thats why I figured I would ask an expert about the surgery. i have him taking 1 Nuvet wafer a day and he eats 2 cups of Wellness Core a day.

English bulldog face / fold cleaning ; english bulldogs skin care ;
Any update on Biggie - How are you doing now?

Chris - If his folds are just wet and Not infected you can use the corn starch...
If he gets infectons then give him 2 NuVETs per day and some Probiotic to get rid of the yeast.
I would never put any dog through that surgery.
Just my opinion....

Good care - the good food ( WEllness) and x-tra NuVET will keep the areas free from infections.

Marie Peppers
Ask the Pet Nurse

Good luck guys!